I was so happy on Friday 'cause it was first day over 20 Celsius outside. So, of course, I took my heels and went to the city. First mistake for the weekend. Next day my legs were full of blisters and we had a dance show, 5th On Stage - show by dance school Stage. This was my fifth year there. We had two shows, one on Saturday and one on Sunday. My legs killed me on both days. But, fortunately, I didn't fail on stage or anything.
It's me in my ghost-horror-zombie-dress! Plus my awesome make up.
It was really really hot, so we opened the window, even though it was banned.
My friends in their full costumes!
And some fun with her glasses...
We danced all of those. Just kidding, I danced just once. (the 7th on the list)
Backstage, sneak peek...
There were so many viewer!
Few pics. I wasn't able to take photos of my performance, but hopefully my friend will send me few.
Last time on stage. (I took this picture in secret). We were all there, and everybody were crying.
(not me, of course)
And here's my absolutely amazing dance teacher! Flowers for her!
Next year I will be in other group, or I'll stop dancing because the studying. I don't know yet.
Bye bye!!