perjantai 18. tammikuuta 2013

Challenge. Now.

So, I got a challenge from Fullmoon. Now I should tell you my 5 weirdest habits.
After that, I have to answer 10 questions made by her, and those are:

1. What is your favorite movie?
Mirror mirror or Sex and The City.
2.What is the most useless thing in the world?
Coca cola. Yuk. 
3.Do you believe in aliens?
Yes! NO. Green little men in Mars. No. Just no. 
4.Pizza or chinese food?
Chinese food! I love beef with onions.
5.Who is the loveliest book character?
Lucian from "Lucian", but he screwed up in the end. So I have to pick Liisa from "Liisanblogi". She is a funny but realistic girl, unlike many stupid and naive heroines in other books. 
6.What song would you remove among the hit-songs?
Gangnam style. I just HATE that song. 
7.What animal would you like to be?
Snake. I have a "Who-I-should-bite" list. Beware of pink snakes hanging around cities.
8. If you had a one day left, what would you do?
First of all, how should I know when it's my last day. I would probably say goodbye to everybody and fly to London. I have to visit in London before I die!
9.What is the most foolish cloth you own?
I don't have any foolish clothes. I love them all so I can't say any of them are foolish.
10.Did you have a nice day?
No. I have been sick for 3 days. I have a fever, a flu and a horrible headache. Plus the net is as slow as a granny in a snow.

If some of the questions are weird, it is Fullmoon's or my fault, because I translated them from Finnish to English.
Anyway, to the weird habits:

First, I read good books many times. Many many times. ( twilight 11 times).

I threaten my phone and computer. ( And I am pretty sure that they tease me on purpose...)

I write even little things down, like "do the laundry" or "take a steak out of the fridge". ( I have a really good memory but it's really short...)

There's only three of them... Am I boring when I don't have more weird habits? Or maybe I just don't realize them myself? Anyway, that's it. (Sorry Fullmoon, I failed my first challenge. Forgive me...)

Bye bye then!

                                                I could be this bunny too instead of the pink snake...

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