lauantai 22. kesäkuuta 2013

Sailor jackets

I finally introduced myself to online stores. It started when I saw a blazer that I loved - but couldn't have. No money, no right size. But I just couldn't let go. I had to get it. So I broke my old fashioned and weir rule: do not shop online. I don't no why I was so prejudiced. Maybe I was afraid of cheating. Anyway, I found that same blazer from Bestseller, right size and 30% off ! ( I think this is called miracle). So, here it is, after seven days of waiting and waiting:

Brand is Outfitters nation, btw...

Those kind of jackets are in magazines every spring or summer. I don't know why sailor-look is so popular, but I'm not going to protest...

lauantai 8. kesäkuuta 2013

What I love : Smoothies

It started few years ago. I was on holiday in Geneva, and there I tasted it first time. Geneva is the best place if you want to start a healthy life (seriously, organic food and that kind of things everywhere. But no banana yoghurt anywhere, btw). But of course, it's the best place to eat very very unhealthy food (chocolate shops on every corner, self-made ice cream and every kind of fast food places). But I learned one thing: smoothies are the best. The. Best. I started with innocent smoothie, which is my favorite even now.
Well, Arnold's smoothies are also good. And Hesburger's too. And... Yeah, they are good. And they help with sugar-addict :-) 

keskiviikko 5. kesäkuuta 2013

Love is Friis Company bag

It doesn't matter, which magazine, blog or runway-show. There is always this bag: black leather bag. Brand and look might change, but it is still there. I didn't have one. They are expensive and I really couldn't find the one I liked. And today my grandmother turned up to our garden, in the middle of roof painting ( I'm like dalmatian, but conversely - black old T-shirt and full of white dots). And she gives me the most perfect bag I have ever seen. There it is, black leather bag I have searched forever. 

Big thanks to my granny and aunt, who picked and bought it. I really really love you!

tiistai 4. kesäkuuta 2013

Today's outfit

Photo shoot on roof was one of my hey-let's-do-this-ideas.I was really afraid of falling, but I think the pictures were worth of it. (If my face looks weird, it's because I didn't want to look down...) 

T-shirt: ONLY
top: gina trigot
skirt: self made
shoes: skopunkten

Summer tattoo; made in five minutes with water and patience.

earrings and rings: glitter
bracelets: H&M, Lindex

I finally dyed my hair again. It's been 5 months since last time (!). I changed the color a bit, so that the difference between light and dark would be more noticeable.

Let's see where I will take pics next time. 

See you!

maanantai 3. kesäkuuta 2013

Crimson circus in circus

There is 3 important things that have happened: 1st is school trip to the Powerpark, 2nd is my graduation from basic school and the 3rd is visit in circus. 
I will tell you about my trip later (my friends decided that my camera was the best, so there were over 480 photos...) , but now to the circus. It's been 10 years last time I went there, so it was kind of a year of celebration. Fullmoon came with me, and of course we had to take some pictures...

Our seats were on "worst" part of audition, but I think they were good. 

Starry sky?

Fullmoon with her cotton candy.

And daily wear - pics, ofc...

Necklace: jewel shop in Helsinki?
T-shirt: gina trigot
Trousers: borrowed
Shoes: marimekko
bag: o.i.s
bracelet: H&M, Lindex

I'm dying to know did I pass the entrance examination. If I get to the IB-high school, I'll move out on summer. Please, I'm asking this with puppy-eyes...

See you!